New Omicron can be widely spread in Upcoming Diwali! What to do? How to recognize the new corona?

An Additional COVID Variant Is Now Spreading - September, 2022 : Everything You Need to Know
New Omicron can be widely spread in Upcoming Diwali! What to do? How to recognize the new corona?. Image Source:

New Omicron (Corona varient) has entered India. Even while this Omicron has not yet assumed such a serious shape, scientists are concerned that it may do so during the Diwali season. During this festive mood, the amount of social interaction between people increases; social distancing and hygiene practises also decrease. Scientists warn everyone to use caution during Govardhan Puja, Bhiphonta, and Diwali.

Scientists are currently concerned about two new variants of Omicron, BA.5.1.7 and BF.7. In China, these two forms are now considered deadly Lockdowns have also been announced in several areas of China due to these two forms. Meanwhile, BF.7 has reached India as well. That is the concern among scientists nowadays.

What signs and symptoms point to this new corona infection?

Experts predict that the new corona’s symptoms will be similar to those of the last one. Nothing will be different than that. But because so few people have contracted this novel omicron thus far, little information is available. It is feasible to predict what the next Omicron’s potential symptoms will be when it comes.

How scary can the new Omicron become?

According to scientists, the rate of coronavirus infection is decreasing all over the world. Fear no longer works with Omicron either. But that does not mean that Corona has stopped. It also changes itself every moment. As a result, it’s impossible to tell just how scary this new Omicron might become. However, it has already been established that this omicon has a higher infection rate than earlier ones. As such, they feel that there is a need to be a little careful.

What causes a rise in infections around Diwali?

According to experts, this is because there would be more interpersonal interaction over the Diwali holiday season. The laws of hygiene may not be observed by many. Thus, this season will see the spread of new omicrons.

  • With as few people as possible, have face-to-face meetings.
  • Get immunised frequently. Take the booster when it’s time to as well.
  • When you cough, cover your mouth. Make use of a handkerchief.
  • Bring back and maintain the habit of mask wearing if it persists.
  • obey the covid hygiene guidelines.

For the time being, doctors advise adhering to these guidelines. They claim that there is no need to panic. But just now, exercise caution.

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